Laura Del Gaudio


Suicide from Abuse

Many people may know a lot of people who are being or have been sexually molested or are being sexually assaulted and not know it. They may not believe that suicide is an option to them. Drinking and drugging are done to alleviate the pain. And promiscuity is another side effect. Shame can cause you to kill yourself along with despair. If you don’t tell someone you trust or go into therapy to face down the demon that you may feel defines you, you may find suicide is the only solution. We as humans have an enormous ability to heal and to overcome. Trust, though extremely difficult will save your life. Don’t despair.

Today there is so much support more than any other time in history. There is the Me Too movement to say the least. Here are some Hotline numbers to help. It may save the life of a child an adolescence or adult.

The National Suicide Hotline 800.273.8255

National Domestic Hotline 800.799.7233

National Child Abuse Hotline 800.422.4453


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